Provision of specialized training services in the field of work of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)


The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (the EPPO) will be an independent European prosecution service responsible for carrying out criminal investigations and prosecutions into crimes affecting the Union budget, including fraud, corruption, money laundering and serious cross-border VAT fraud. The Regulation establishing the EPPO under enhanced cooperation entered into force on 20 November 2017.
The EPPO will operate on a central level, where European Prosecutors will supervise the investigations and prosecutions in each participating EU country, and a decentralized level, where European Delegated Prosecutors will carry out investigations and prosecutions in each country.
The given the novelty of a European prosecution body and the diverse background of the staff, the EPPO needs to acquire training services, in order to ensure a common understanding of the legal principles lying at its foundation and a common approach towards the investigation of the criminal offences under its competence. EPPO’s objective of increasing the level of protection of the Union’s financial interests against criminal offences requires the dissemination of information related to all the relevant legislation and jurisprudence, as well as the latest investigative techniques and related best practices.

Provision of specialized training services in the field of work of the EPPO

In light of the above, specialised training is offered to the mentioned target groups with the following objectives:

    • Providing training tailored to the specific needs of the different target groups. European Prosecutors and European Delegated Prosecutors will be supported in their operations by case analysts, financial investigators and legal assistants, as well as by the administrative staff of the EPPO.
    • Ensuring the knowledge and know-how of the legal and operational skills specific for the investigation of the offences falling under the competence of the EPPO.
    • Improving the knowledge of the relevant case law.
    • Ensuring exchanges between participants on the best practices and the problems that may arise in the interpretation of specific provisions in the light of hypothetical and actual cases.
    • Fostering the understanding of the legal systems of the participating Member States

Using this website

Participants to the specialised training services may find detailed information on the topics, dates and locations of the planned training activities including the registration links, training materials, presentations and podcasts, and legal library on this page.

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